
Amadou Hampâté Bâ

Translated by Daniel Whitman
With “Kings, Sages, Rogues: The Historical Writings of Amadou Hampâté Bâ”

Washington, D.C. Three Continents Press. 1988.

       Table des matieres      

Kaydara — Strophes 1140-1175

mo yoɓoyan waaju kala waɗi gorko mawɗo
diiwngal ngaari kanŋe boɗeejo hono mum. 1140
Tataɓere balɗe daakii bantineeje
tuma kiikiiɗe waynii mawɗo dilli,
Demburu kanyum e noon e Hamtuuɗo mbiidi
— « Hammadi immo-ɗen ɗoo nii njehen ne
pati Seytaani goɗɗo ɓuroyɗo mobbo 1145
maa oo ƴoyre wara waɗɗina wiyannde
mo alarba muudura ɓurti toowde
e ɗum ma ko mobbo maa oo nanngunoo e maa.
Min njaafiima hono oo waaji sanne!
Min paalaaka wonde ɓutaade anndal. 1150
Min njeeɓaali tinndi jeɗooji nyeenyal. »
Hammadi wii:
— « Ee yugo'en mi nyaagori on ti enɗam,
bantinoyee ta kiirndee ndunngu naatii.
Koode daliilu hankin kammu siirtii 1155
kala tatteeji ngaɗii hen buuli ɓuurti
ɗee tabe tolnondirɗe ɗe njeddataako.
Kasin mobbam gorel nayewel jalir-ɗon,
mo noorol oonyoylingol jalkitoy-ɗon,
oon wiyii kam : « Ɓi yam pati hiirndu ndunngu! » 1160
Ko kemru-mi ɗum yo diiwngal kanŋe ɗaandi,
laamndeeraaku kokkiroyan-mi oon dee
sabu giɗiraaku yonkam huli nyiijoore.
Mi dullaa wonki yimɓe ɓuta mbakillu
yo ɗum ɓuri naayanaade e yidde wadde. 1165
Mi mooloke limtoyeede e suuɗoyooɓe
ngalu Geno hokki munnoya hono walaa fey.
Njaɓee ko mbasii-mi bantee waala janngo
ana fota saama kala muuy-ɗen ne ndunnyen.
Enen kala ngardi ɗoo ana haani njaaden. » 1170
Hamtuuɗo wii:
— « Ɓayri walaa ko ndiiwndoy-ɗaa fotu e maa
kiirndol men dawol maa duu nde nduum-ɗen. »
Demburu ɓeydi e ɗum mo wii:
— « Ndaa yoo maaɗa aan koo ɓunndu anndal 1175
asaandu e hayre faa wele minna dooma

he would have bought as many lessons from the old man
as he had oxen laden with gold.
Three days after their arrival under the trees,
the afternoon that the old man left them,
Demburou and Hamtudo declared together:
“Hammadi, let's get up and leave
before another devil, more slippery
than your latest master, comes to impose
lessons that are even costlier
than his were.
We can do without that!
We have no need of such eminent knowledge,
nor are we after wise maxims.”
Hammadi answered:
“Friends, I beseech you by our friendship,
be patient; don't travel at night, the rainy season is upon us.”
The stars attested to it that night, predicted it,
and the sky was furrowed in every direction
with parallel tracings, undeniable witnesses.
“Don't forget, the little old man of your jokes,
the hunchback you laughed about,
told me, ‘Never travel in the evening during the rainy season!’
What cost me an ox laden with gold,
I offer you now, from brotherly love,
common companionship, and acquired awareness.
I know that human nature is greedy
and prefers to hoard, rather than share.
I abhor being one of those who hide
the wealth bestowed by Geno, pretending to have nothing.
Follow my advice, wait until tomorrow morning.
Then the time will come to answer our vow.
Together we came here, together we shall leave.”
Hamtudo said:
“Since you have nothing to transport, little matter to you
whether we leave tonight, tomorrow morning, or next year.
Demburu added:
“Oh you, new source of knowledge
hewn out of a rock, you would have us wait