History. Culture. Islam

Louis Brenner
West African Sufi
The Religious Heritage and Spiritual Search of Cerno Bokar Saalif Taal

University of California Press
Berkeley & Los Angeles. 1984. 215 p.

The author wishes to thank M. Amadou Hampaté Bâ for his kind permission to quote passages from Vie et Enseignement de Tierno Bokar. Literary rights to all such quotations as well as to other materials cited from his personal archives remain with M. Bâ.
To the memory of A.H.J.


Note on Orthography
A Personal Introduction

Part I: The historical context

  1. The Political Background
  2. French Domination and the Challenge to Islam

Part II: The religious heritage and spiritual search of Cerno Bokar

  1. The Early Years
  2. Religious Heritage: Cerno Bokar as Student and Teacher
  3. The Spiritual Search
  4. Crisis

Part III: The spiritual discourses


  1. The ma'd-dîn
  2. The litany of Tijani prayers
  3. Conditions of membership in the Tijaniyya order
  4. A note on ethnicity

Glossary of Arabic, Fulfulde and other African terms