Fuuta Tooro

David Robinson
Chiefs and Clerics. Abdul Bokar Kan and Futa Toro. 1853-1891

Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1975. 239 pages


  1. Futa Toro in the Nineteenth Century
    1. Land and Livelihood
    2. The People
    3. The Emergence of the ToorodBe Regime
    4. The Consolidation of the ToorodBe Oligarchy
  2. The Clash of Umar and Faidherbe in the 1850s
    1. The French Presence and Trade Along the River
    2. The Challenge of Umar Tal
    3. The Crises of 1854 in Futa Toro
    4. Confrontation in the Upper Senegal
    5. Competition for Allegiance in Futa Toro
    6. French Consolidation
  3. 1860-1864: The Struggle for Control of Futa and the Emergence of Abdul Bokar Kan
    1. The Dilemmas of the French-appointed Chiefs
    2. The Emergence of Abdul Bokar Kan
    3. Confrontation with the French in 1862 and 1863
    4. The Final Effort of Faidherbe and Mamadu Biran
  4. 1865-1870: Challenges by New Reformers
    1. Migration and Sanctuary in Eastern Futa
    2. Abdul Bokar and the Response to Thierno Brahim
    3. Western Futa in the 1860s
    4. Cholera and Crisis in Western Futa
    5. Amadu Madiyu and Abdul Bokar
  5. 1871-1878: Civil war
    1. The Challenge from the Chiefs
    2. The Lean Years of Abdul Bokar
    3. Shifting Alliances and the Consolidation of Abdul Bokar
    4. The Search for ReinforcementContrasting Fortunes
  6. Futa Toro and the French in the 1870s
    1. The French and their Senegambian Neighbours
    2. Futa Toro in the 1870s
    3. The Pre-eminent Position of Abdul Bokar
  7. 1879-1885: Confrontation over the Telegraph Line
    1. The New French Advance
    2. The Diplomatic Initiatives of 1879 and 1880
    3. The Military Offensive of 1881
    4. The Predicament of Ibra Almamy and the Campaigns of 1883
    5. The Resolution of 1885
  8. 1885-1891: The Apogee and Decline of Abdul Bokar
    1. The ‘Amir of Futa’Abdul's Initiatives Outside of Futa
    2. The Tightening Noose
    3. The Last Year of Abdul Bokar


  1. The Milieu
  2. The Reform Tradition
  3. The ToorodBe and Umarian Reforms
  4. The French Presence
  5. The Achievement of Abdul Bokar Kan


  1. Glossary
  2. Orthography and Sources
  3. Population, Provinces, and Villages
  4. Population Movements between Futa Toro and the Umarian State, 1854 to 1891
  5. The Treaties of 1885
  6. Major Events in Futa Toro and Affecting Futa Toro, 1853 to 1891
  7. Almamies of Futa Toro, 1853 to 1891
  8. Lam Toros of Toro Province, 1854 to 1890
  9. Elfekis of Eastern Futa Toro, 1859 to 1891